Call To Die

Then [Jesus] said to them all, "If anyone wants to come with Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life because of Me will save it. (Luke 9:23-24, HCSB)

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Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

follower of Christ, husband of Abby, father of Christian, Georgia Grace, and Rory Faith, deacon at Kosmosdale Baptist Church, tutor with Scholé Christian Tradition and Scholé Academy

Thursday, June 06, 2024


The Jews did not believe that he had been blind and had received his sight until they called the parents of the man who had received his sight, (John 9:18 ESV)

The doubting Jewish religious leaders already had the testimony of the healed man himself and the testimony of the crowd. They did not believe because that did not want to accept the conclusion that Jesus was (at least) a prophet: that He was someone able to do miracles, that He was someone with divine authority, and that they should listen to Him.



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