From Confessions 8.12.28b-29:
1sNom prep. pron. GFS AblMS 1sPerfAI 1sAcc
Ego ( sub quadam fici arbore ) stravi me
I under a certain fig tree spread myself–
1sPAI adv.
nescio quomodo,
I don't know how–
coni. 1sPerfAI AccFP DFP coni. 3sPerfAI AccNP
et dimisi habenas lacrimis, et proruperunt flumina
and I released the straps of my tears and they rushed forth as rivers
oculorum ^ meorum,
from mine eyes,
AccNS coni. adv. adv. AblNP
acceptabile ^ sacrificium ^ tuum, et non quidem his ^ verbis,
as your acceptable sacrifice, and indeed not by these words,
coni. prep.+ AblFS AccNP 1sPerfAI 2sDat
sed ( in hac ^ sententiā ) multa dixi tibi:
but in this thought many things I have said to You:
coni. 2sNom VMS adv.
`et tu, Domine, usquequo?
"And You, Lord: how long?
adv. PN 2sPerfAS GMP
Ne memor fueris iniquitatum ^ nostrarum ^ antiquarum.'
Don't be remembering our iniquities of old."
1sImpAI coni. AblMS AccMS PPInf
Sentiebam enim eis me teneri.
For I was feeling myself to be held by them.
1sImpAI AccFS adv. adv.
Iactabam voces ^ miserabiles: `quamdiu, quamdiu,
I was casting out pitiable expressions: "How long? How long:
adv. coni. adv. adv. adv. adv.
`cras et cras''? Quare non modo?"
'tomorrow and tomorrow'? Why not now?"
adv. adv. AblFS NFS GFS
Quare non hac ^ horā finis turpitudinis ^ meae?'
Why not this hour an end of my indecency?"
1sImpAI AccNP coni. 1sImpAI abl.mod.
Dicebam haec et flebam amarissimā ^ contritione
I was saying these things and I was weeping with the bitterest contrition
cordis ^ mei.
of my heart.
coni. inter. 1sPAI AccFS prep.+ AblFS
Et ecce audio vocem ( de vicina ^ domo )
And, behold, I heard a voice from the neighboring home
prep.+AblMS PAPtc.GMS coni. adi. PAPtc.GMS
( cum cantū ) dicentis et crebro repetentis,
with a song, saying and frequently repeating,
adv. GMS coni. GFS, 1sPAI 2sPAV 2sPAV 2sPAV 2sPAV
quasi pueri an puellae, nescio: `tolle lege, tolle lege.'
as of a boy or of a girl, I don't know: "Take, read! Take, read!"
adv.-enc. Ptc.AblMS AblMS PN PAInf 1sPerfAI
Statimque mutato vultu intentissimus cogitare coepi
And immediately changing my face I, most eager, began to think
coni. 3sPAI NMP
utrumnam solerent pueri
whether boys used
prep.+ AblMS Ptc.GMS PAInf AccNS
( in aliquo ^ genere ludendi ) cantitare tale ^ aliquid.
to sing such a thing in any kind of game.
adv. 3sImpAI adv. PerfAInf 1sAcc adv.
Nec occurrebat omnino audisse me uspiam,
Nor did it seem that I had heard such a thing anywhere.
PerfPPtc-enc. AblMS GFP 1sPerfAI
Repressoque impetu lacrimarum surrexi,
And holding back an attack of tears, I rose.
NNS PAPtc.NMS adv. 1sDat. coni.
nihil ^ aliud interpretans divinitus mihi iubere nisi
This suggested nothing other than a heavenly interpretation to me:
coni. 1sImpAS AccMS coni. 1sImpAS app. NMS
ut aperirem codicem et legerem [ quod primum ^ caput
that I should open the book and read whatever first chapter
invenissem ] .
I might find.
1sPluAI coni. prep.+AblMS adv. prep.+ AblFS
audieram enim ( de Antoniō ) quod ( ex evangelicā ^ lectione )
For I had heard about Anthony, that out of the gospel reading
DMS adv. 3sPluAI NMS 3sPerfAS
[ cui forte supervenerat ] admonitus fuerit,
to whom it had strongly come upon, the admonishment was
coni. DMS ImpPS adv. 3sImpPI
tamquam sibi diceretur quod legebatur:
just as if it was said to him what was read:
2sPAV 2sPAV AccNP AccNP 2sPAI coni. 2sPAV DMP
`vade, vende omnia [ quae habes ] , et da pauperibus,
"Go, sell all things that you have, and give to the poor,
coni. 2sFAI AccNS prep.+ AblNP coni. 2sPAV
et habebis thesaurum ( in caelis ) , et veni,
and you will have treasure in the heavens, and come,
2sPAV 1sAcc
sequere Me,'
follow Me."
coni. AblNS adv. prep.+2sAcc PerfPPtc.
et tali ^ oraculo confestim esse ( ad Te ) conversum.
and by such an oracle he was immediately converted to You.
coni. PerfPPtc. 1sPerfAI prep. + AccMS adv. 3sImpAI NMS
Itaque concitus redii ( in eum ^ locum ) ubi sedebat Alypius:
And so I returned, provoked, into that place where Alypius was sitting:
adv. coni. 1sPluAI AccMS GMS adv. adv. 1sPluAI
ibi enim posueram codicem apostoli cum inde surrexeram.
for there I had set the book of the apostle when I had arisen from thence.
1sPerfAI 1sPerfAI coni. 1sPerfAI prep.+AblNS AccMS
Arripui, aperui, et legi ( in silentio ) capitulum
I seized, I opened, and I read in silence the chapter,
DMS adv. 3pPerfPI NMP
[ quo primum coniecti sunt oculi ^ mei ] :
which my eyes were first thrown upon:
adv. prep.+AblFP coni. AblFP
`non ( in comessationibus et ebrietatibus ) ,
"not in carousing and drunkenness,
adv. prep.+AblNP coni. AblFP adv. prep.+AblFS
non ( in cubilibus et impudicitiis ) , non ( in contentione
not on beds and sexual impurity, not in struggle
coni. AblFS
et aemulatione ) ,
and rivalry,
coni. 2pPAV AccMS app. app.
sed induite Dominum Iesum Christum
but be clothed in the Lord Jesus Christ,
coni. GNS AccFS adv. 2pPerfAS prep.+AblFP
et carnis providentiam ne feceritis ( in concupiscentiis ) .'
and you should not make provision of the flesh in lusts."
adv. adv. 1sPerfAI adv. PN 3sImpAI
Nec ultra volui legere nec opus erat.
No farther did I want to read, nor was it necessary.
adv. adv. prep.+AblFS GMS
Statim quippe ( cum fine ) huiusce ^ sententiae
You see, immediately with the end of this sentence
adv. AblFS GFS PerfPPtc. DNS
quasi luce securitatis infusa cordi ^ meo
as if the light of safety had been infused to my heart,
adi. GFS NFP 3pPerfAI
omnes dubitationis tenebrae diffugerunt.
all the darkness of doubt fled away.
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