Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blood Moon?!? (It should cause neither panic nor complacency.)

With the occurrence of a series of "blood moons"-beginning earlier this week-some professing Christians have taken to setting dates regarding the second coming of Christ. John Hagee, for example, has taken to Harold Camping-style date-setting. Hagee's book on the blood moon phenomena has reached best-seller lists, prompting Dr. Albert Mohler-on The Briefing podcast yesterday-to discuss blood moons in general and Hagee's book in particular.

Certainly, according to the direct teaching of Jesus (Acts 1:7), Christians should refrain from foolish speculations about times or seasons in which Christ might return. But we must also remember that the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night (1 Thess 5:2; 2 Peter 3:10; Rev 16:15), so we must be ever vigilant. It concerns me that, in reacting against Hagee and others, to read what some of my friends have written online, you would think that Jesus could come back at any time except during this blood moon season.

I appreciate the wisdom with which my pastor-Dr. Jim Burdette at New Georgia Baptist Church-approached the blood moon situation. During the announcement time of the morning service this past Lord's Day, Dr. Burdette explained what "blood moons" are. (This was appropriate pastorally, as virtually all members of the congregation would hear about them at some point through the news, friends, etc., and not necessarily know what to think.) Then the pastor did NOT pull out end-time charts or put the congregation into a panic, but he DID give a brief statement to the effect that these kinds of situations should remind us to be ever watchful and expectant for the Lord's return.


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